On 12th March 2020, stakeholders from the public and private sectors as well as volunteers and people with a refugee or migration background met at Ostpol in Offenbach. As a collaborative initiative of KIZ SINNOVA gGmbH, RIAC, The Human Safety Net of Generali Deutschland AG and M-UP, a barcamp had been organized on the subject of “Integration of people with a flight and migration background into our working environment: Opportunities – Achievements – Challenges – New Paths?“
The waves of refugees’ images in recent years touch and have long since arrived in European reality rather than just being part of the media transmission. In almost every German school are children with a refugee background and the families’ as well as the many individuals’ integration can be understood as a task for society as a whole. According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, “successful integration (…) means feeling part of a community. It means developing a common understanding of how to live together in society. Immigration can therefore only succeed as a mutual process.” Understanding oneself as part of a society means not only language acquisition, understanding of cultural differences, but also the possibility to build up one’s own existence and to have arrived in the labour market.