Part of RIAC
Project Partners
During the lockdown time due to Coronavirus, the participants in RIAC activities in Umbria did not have to face different difficulties than other workers. The association was however reachable as an information and orientation desk.
Brochure about a best practice:
As best practice for female self-entrepreneurship RIAC supported eight Nigerian and Gambian women creating the cooperative Fili d’Africa, specializing in tailoring materials for the home, engaged at the same time in personal and social empowerment initiatives; *
“Today the “Threads of Africa” Association offers its products (in a meeting between the Umbrian textile tradition and the colors of Africa) and aims to grow its activities also by networking with other associations and local businesses. For this reason, it offers those wishing to learn more about the APS: statute, governing bodies, activities, the African Threads Page inside the site.
According to the recent situation and the spread of COVID-19, Habitat has started workshop online wit RIAC Network members to empower them in digital transformation in the topic of “Work from Home” taking into account also all needed information in order to be secure and understanding how digital platforms work and how to setup privacy settings trough the active usage of the digital platforms.
The Habitat RIAC Network members will be joining also the Online workshop “I have Control” to empower them during their surfing over the internet.
Also topics like Safety and Security in Workplace is an important principle to protect workers and save lives. especially during times of unexpected situations or plaque such as COVID-19 spread these times
KIZ is reachable for the RIAC participants also in this challenging time and is constantly working on new solutions to help them in this exceptional situation. On the website you can find bundled information updated daily on the following topics:
Emergency Aid, News & Information: The latest information on emergency aid, grants and other support services.
Helpful tips and links for the self-employed: Promotional loans, advisory support, tax breaks, special regulations and much more.
Useful input to stay (economically) on the way. (wirtschaftlich) auf dem Weg zu bleiben.
Participants can send their questions to anytime.
Esbjerg Municipality has taken all the necessary steps to make sure to follow the new governmental recommendations to stop and limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
The town continuously updates his website with new information in various languages
Because of national measures linked to COVID-19 Esbjerg town had to reschedule the RIAC activities. In Denmark, employment-focused efforts have been suspended in the period March 12th to May 27th, and although the country is gradually opening, under great control and the partner is beginning to work actively with the target groups. The cancelled events in this spring have been rescheduled starting from June 2020.
During the emergency COVID 19 CIDIS concentrated its efforts on information and orientation for foreign citizens and free advice on regularization.
All foreign citizens who can enjoy the regularization of their seasonal employment contract can contact CIDIS Onlus and receive assistance electronically or request an appointment at one of the closest Cidis offices in compliance with the rules relating to social distancing and the use of gloves and masks.
we continue our activities with RIAC participants via Whatsapp groups since most of them don’t have laptops or internet connections. Language trainers, job trainers, mentors and speed managers communicate with them through Whatsapp, phone calls, SMS and occasionally via Skype. Due to lack of their access to the internet we couldn’t use any online training tools so far.
At the moment we are trying to activate an educational tool that you can find in .
As online information tools we have Riac and İGAM web sites and social media accounts and İGAM TV , a YouTube channel for the better information about issues concerning corona and migration policies